Monday, November 1, 2010

Review: Mesquite Chocolate Chip Cookies

These were very good. Hearty and satisfying. The chocolate chips were very dark and somewhat bitter, which appeals to me of course. The texture was dense and filling, chewy but firm.

The only problem was, these had to follow the perfect chocolate chip cookie that came just before. Those were sweet; these were more savory. See, I am a simple man, a true American who likes classic chocolate chip cookies warming on a windowsill in a 1950s that never really occurred. Simple. These were a little hifalutin', like something out of magazine with a French name (I'm talking to you Saveur!).

They were very good though. Not bad at all. Here's the final score:

Daughter told showed me how to whisk ingredients together. Plus 2.
Highly edible. Plus 1.
Pretty. Plus 2.
Smug. Minus 2.
Hot and gooey chocolate chip. Plus 1.
Forced to eat them while watching Sex and the City 2. Minus 2.
Counterbalanced the bad taste left in my mouth by Sex and the City 2. Plus 2.
After eating them, had to endure remaining 139 minutes and 24 seconds of Sex and the City 2. Minus 1.

Total: 3 points for Mesquite Chocolate Chip Cookies.

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